Stelle Sed haec, ut dixi, plebs duarum tri...; (Chronicarum libri II (395 - 406), Sulpicius Severus, Chronica, ed. by Parroni, II.11.7, p. 70) [5785]

Basic Information
ID 5785
Text Chronicarum libri II (395 - 406) Sulpicius Severus
Quotation Sed haec, ut dixi, plebs duarum tribuum fuit: decem uero prius deductae per Parthos, Medos, Indos atque Aethiopas dispersae numquam in solum patrium regressae, hodieque barbararum gentium imperiis continentur.
Translation But this, as I have already mentioned, was the people of the two tribes: the other ten, however, who had been abducted earlier, were dispersed among the Parthians, Medes, Indians and Ethiopians and have never returned to their homeland, so that today they are still held under the dominion of barbarian peoples
Quotation source Sulpicius Severus, Chronica, ed. by Parroni, II.11.7, p. 70
Temporal Coverage 395 - 406
Associated use case(s)