Stelle Aera CDXX, anno imperii Theodosii I...; (De origine Gothorum (Historia de regibus Gothorum, Vandalorum et Suevorum) (560 - 636), Isidor of Seville, History of the Kings of the Goths, Vandals, and Suevi, c. 12-14, trans. Donini and Ford, p. 7-8) [5844]

Basic Information
ID 5844
Text De origine Gothorum (Historia de regibus Gothorum, Vandalorum et Suevorum) (560 - 636) Isidore of Seville
Quotation Aera CDXX, anno imperii Theodosii IV, Gothi, patrocinium Romani foederis recusantes, Alaricum regem sibi constituunt, indignum judicantes Romanae esse subditos potestati, eosque sequi, quorum jam pridem leges imperiumque respuerant, et de quorum se societate praelio triumphantes averterant. 13. Aera CDXXXVII, anno imperii Honorii et Arcadii quinto, Gothi, in Alarico et Radagaiso divisi, dum semetipsos in duabus regni partibus variis caedibus lacerarent, ob excidium Romanorum concordes effecti, consilium in commune constituunt, parique intentione ad praedandas quascunque regiones Italiae ab invicem dividuntur. 14. Aera CDXLIII, anno Honorii et Arcadii XI, rex Gothorum Radagaisus, genere Scytha, cultui idololatriae deditus, barbaricae immanitatis feritate saevissimus, cum ducentis armatorum millibus Italiae partes vehementi vastatione aggreditur, spondens in contemptum Christi Romanorum sanguinem diis suis libare, si vinceret. Cujus exercitus, a Stilicone duce Romano in montuosis Thusciae locis circumclusus, fame est potius quam ferro consumptus. Ipse postremum rex captus et interfectus est.
Translation In the era 420 (382), the fourth year of Theodosius' rule, the Goths, rejecting the protection of the Roman treaty, appointed Alaric as their king, since they considered it unbecoming for them to be subject to Roman authority and to follow those whose laws and rule they had long ago cast off and from whose partnership they had alienated themselves after triumphing in battle. 13. In the era 437 (399), the fourth year of Honorius and Arcadius' rule, the Goths split into two parties led by Alaric and Radagaisus, and after destroying each other by manifold slaughter in the two parts of the kingdom, they turned to agreement for the sake of the destruction of the Romans, decided on a common plan, and with equal purpose separated from each other for the sake of plundering some regions of ltaly. 14. In the era 443 (405), the tenth year of Honorius and Arcadius' rule, Radagaisus, king of the Goths, a Scythian by birth, a man devoted to the cult of idolatry and most savage in the fierceness of his barbaric cruelty, attacked with violent devastation the legions of ltaly, together with two hundred thousand soldiers, vowing, in contempt of Christ, that he would make a libation of the Romans' blood to his gods if he should win. His army,after being surrounded by the Roman general Stilicho on the mountainous ground of Tuscany, was destroyed by hunger rather than by battle. Finally the king himself was captured and killed.
Quotation source Isidor of Seville, History of the Kings of the Goths, Vandals, and Suevi, c. 12-14, trans. Donini and Ford, p. 7-8
Temporal Coverage 382 - 405
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