Stelle 15. Aera CDXLVII, anno imperii Arca...; (De origine Gothorum (Historia de regibus Gothorum, Vandalorum et Suevorum) (560 - 636), Isidor of Seville, History of the Kings of the Goths, Vandals, and Suevi, 15-21, trans. Donini and Ford, p. 8-12) [5845]

Basic Information
ID 5845
Text De origine Gothorum (Historia de regibus Gothorum, Vandalorum et Suevorum) (560 - 636) Isidore of Seville
Quotation 15. Aera CDXLVII, anno imperii Arcadii XV, exstincto Radagaiso, Alaricus consors regni, nomine quidem Christianus, sed professione haereticus, dolens tantam multitudinem Gothorum a Romanis exstinctam, in vindictam sanguinis suorum adversus Romam praelium gessit, obsessamque impetu, igne, gladiis, irrumpit, sicque Urbs cunctarum gentium victrix, Gothicis triumphis victa succubuit, eisque capta subjugataque servivit. Tam autem Gothi clementes ibi exstiterunt, ut votum antea darent, quod si ingrederentur Urbem, quicunque Romanorum in locis Christi inveniretur, in vastationem Urbis non mitteretur. Post hoc igitur votum, aggressi Urbem, omnibus et mors et captivitas indulta est, qui ad sanctorum limina confugerunt. Sed et qui extra loca martyrum erant, et nomen Christi et sanctorum nominaverunt, et ipsis simili misericordia pepercerunt. 16. In reliquis autem, etsi praeda hostium patuit, feriendi tamen immanitas refrenata est. Incursantibus autem in illa vastitate per Urbem Gothis, dum quidam potens virginem consecratam aetate provectam reperisset, eamque honeste admoneret ut, si quid apud se auri argentique esset, proferret: illa fideli conscientia, quod habuit protulit; cumque ille vasorum formam et pulchritudinem ex illa antiqua Romanorum opulentia miraretur, virgo ait: Haec vasa mihi de sacrario Petri apostoli deposita sunt; praesume, si audes. Ego sacram hostiam dare non audeo. Gothus ille ad nomen apostoli magno pavore perterritus, regi hoc per nuntium refert, qui confestim rex reportari omnia ad sacrarium sancti Petri per virginem illam summa cum reverentia jussit, dicens: Cum Romanis gessi bellum, non cum apostolis Dei. 17. Redit igitur virgo reverentissimis officiis honorata, redeunt et cum illa omnes qui ei se sociaverant, super capita sua vasa illa aurea et argentea cum hymnis et canticis reportantes, exertis undique jussu regis ob defensionem armatorum custodiis. Concurrunt undique ad voces canentium de latipulis agmina Christianorum. Concurrunt etiam et pagani, atque admisti inter eos, dum servos Christi se esse fingunt, etiam et ipsi calamitatis excidium evaserunt. 18. Hac tempestate Gothi Placidiam Theodosii principis imperatoris filiam, Arcadii et Honorii imperatorum sororem, cum ingenti auri argent que thesauro Romae capiunt; adeptisque multis opibus Romanorum, tertia die, incensa eversaque in partibus Urbe, discedunt; inde conscensis navibus, cum ad Siciliam exiguo ab Italia freto divisam transire disponerent, infesto mari periclitati multum exercitum perdiderunt. Quibus tanta fuit gloria de Romanae urbis obtentu, ut in ejus comparatione nihil se mali passos tempestate illa arbitrarentur, damna naufragii eventu victoriae compensantes. Mors Alarici confestim secuta, vigesimo octavo regni anno defunctus est in Italia. 19. Aera CDXLVIII, anno imperii Honorii XVII, et primo Theodosii Minoris, Alarico post captam Urbem defuncto, Athaulfus a Gothis Italiae regno praeficitur annis VI. Iste, quinto regni anno de Italia recedens, Gallias adiit, Placidiam Theodosii imperatoris filiam, quam Romae Gothi ceperant, conjugem sibi assumpsit. In qua prophetia Danielis a quibusdam creditur fuisse completa, qui ait filiam regis Austri conjungendam regi Aquilonis, nulla tamen de germine ejus sobole subsistente. Sicut, et idem in sequentibus propheta subjungit dicens: Nec stabit semen ejus. Nullus enim de utero illius exstitit genitus, qui patris in regno succederet. Athaulfus autem dum, relictis Galliis, Hispanias peteret, a quodam suorum apud Barcinonam inter familiares fabulas jugulatur. 20. Aera CDLIV, ann. imperii Honorii XXII post obitum Athaulfi, a Gothis Sigericus princeps electus est, qui, dum ad pacem cum Romanis esset promptissimus, mox a suis est interfectus. 21. Aera et anno quo supra, Walia Sigerico succedens, tribus annis regnum tenuit, belli causa princeps a Gothis effectus, sed ad pacem divina providentia ordinatus, mox enim cum regnare coepit, foedus cum imperatore Honorio pepigit, Placidiam sororem ejus, quae a Gothis Romae capta fuerat, ei honorifice reddidit, promittens imperatori propter rempublicam omne certamen implendum. Itaque ad Hispanias per Constantium patricium evocatus, Romani nominis causa caedes magnas Barbaris intulit.
Translation 15. In the era 447 (409), the fifteenth year of Honorius and Arcadius' rule, now that Radagaisus was dead, AIaric, his colleague in kingship, who was a Christian in name but professed himself a heretic, grieving that so great number of Goths had been slain by the Romans, waged war against Rome to avenge his countrymen's blood; after besieging the city he invaded it with an attack resulting in great slaughter; and so the city which had been the conqueror of all nations was conquered and overpowered by the triumph of the Goths, and, captive and subdued, it was subject to them. However, the Goths showed themselves so gentle here that they made a promise to the effect that if they should enter the city, none of the Romans who would be found in Christ's places would be treated according to the laws of war. So, after this vow, when they invaded the city, both death and captivity were spared all those who had sought refuge in the thresholds of the saints. But they spared, showing similar mercy, even those who were outside the places sacred to the martyrs and who called upon the name of Christ and of the saints. 16. Against the others, however, although the enemy's booty was available, the savagery of killing was curbed. For when the Goths were dashing through the city amid that devastation, and someone in authority found a holy virgin advanced in age and honorably warned her that she should produce any gold and silver in her possession,she in good conscience brought out what she had; and as he admired the shape and beauty of the vessels from those ancient riches of the Romans, the virgin said: "These vessels have been entrusted to me from the shrine of the apostle Peter; take them if you dare. I do not dare to give sacred objects to the enemy." The Goth, terrified and intrigued at the mention of the apostle's name, repoted this to the king by means of a messenger; the king with very great reverence ordered that everything be taken back immediately to the shrine of the blessed Peter, sayingthat he had waged war with the Romans, not with the apostles. 17. The virgin then came back attended with most reverent honor; all those who had associated with her re-turned too, carrying those gold and silver vessels on their heads amid hymns and songs, with armed guards posted on all sides for protection by the king's command. From their places of refuge everywhere bands of Christians flocked together on heating the voices of those singing.Pagans too came with them and mingled with them, and as they pretended that they were servants of Christ, they themselves too escaped the ruin of destruction. 18. At this time the Goths captured in Rome Placida, daughter of the Emperor Theodosius and sister of the Emperors Arcadius and Honorius, together with a large quantity of gold; and after obtaining the riches of the Romans, they departed two days after their arrivaI, having set fire to and partly destroyed the city. Then they em-barked, and as they were arranging to cross over to Sicily, which is separated from Italy by a. narrow strait, they incurred danger in the tempestuous sea and lost much of the army. But their pride for having gained possession of the city of Rome was so great that in comparison with it they thought that they had suffered no harm in that storm,compensating their losses in the shipwreck with the success of victory. The death of Alaric followed immediately afterwards; he died in Italy in the twenty-eighth year of his reign. 19. In the era 448 (410), the sixteenth year of Honorius and Arcadius' rule, after that Alaric was dead after the capture of the city, Athaulf was appointed to rule over the Goths in Italy, and his reign lasted six years. In the fifth year of his reign he departed from Italy and went to Gaul and married Placidia, the daughter of the Emperor Theodosius, whom the Goths had captured in Rome. With this event Daniel's prophecy was thought by some to have been fulfilled; for he said that the daughter of the king of the South was to be united with the king of the North, but that no offspring would remain from his seed. And this is the same thing that the prophet adds in the following sentence when he says: "Nor will his seed endure." For no son issued from her womb to succeed his father's rule. But after Athaulf left Gaul and went to Spain, he was murdered at Barcelona by one of his own men during a conversation with friends . 20. ln the era 454 (476), the twenty-second year of Honorius and Arcadius'rule, Sigeric was elected ruler by the Goths after the death of Athaulf. Since he was very much inclined to peace with the Romans, he was soon killed by his men. 21. In the same era and year as above, Walia succeeded Sigeric and held the kingdom for three years; he was made leader by the Goths for the sake of war, but was disposed to peace by divine providence. For soon after he began to reign he concluded a treaty with the Emperor Honorius. He honorably restored to him his sister Placidia, who had been captured in Rome by the Goths, promising the emperor that he would undertake any struggle for the Roman state. Then, after being summoned to Spain by the patrician Constantius, he inflicted great slaughter on the barbarians for the sake of the Roman name.
Quotation source Isidor of Seville, History of the Kings of the Goths, Vandals, and Suevi, 15-21, trans. Donini and Ford, p. 8-12
Temporal Coverage 409 - 414
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