Stelle Imperator Aquisgrani hiemavit. Aest...; (Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829), a. 804) [5892]

Basic Information
ID 5892
Text Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation Imperator Aquisgrani hiemavit. Aestate autem in Saxoniam ducto exercitu omnes, qui trans Albiam et in Wihmuodi habitabant, Saxones cum mulieribus et infantibus transtulit in Franciam et pagos Transalbianos Abodritis dedit. Eodem tempore Godofridus rex Danorum venit cum classe sua necnon et omni equitatu regni sui ad locum, qui dicitur Sliesthorp, in confinio regni sui et Saxoniae. Promisit enim se ad conloquium imperatoris venturum, sed consilio suorum territus propius non accessit, sed, quicquid voluit, per legatos mandavit. Nam imperator super Albiam flucium sedebat, in loco, qui dicitur Holdunseti, et missa ad Godofridum legatione pro perfugis reddendis..
Translation The emperor spent the winter at Aachen. But in the summer he led an army into Saxony and deported all Saxons living beyond the Elbe and in Wihmuodi with wives and children into Francia and gave the districts beyond the Elbe to the Obodrites. At the same time, Godofrid, king of the Danes, came with his fleet and the entire cavalry of his kingdom to Schleswig on the border of his kingdom and Saxony. He promised to show up for a conference with the emperor, but was made wary by the counsel of his men and did not venture any closer. Instead, he communicated through envoys whatever he wanted to say. The emperor stayed at Hollenstedt on the River Elbe and sent an embassy to Godofrid to discuss the return of fugitives. (Trans. Scholz and Rogers, pp. 83-4)
Quotation source a. 804
Temporal Coverage 804 - 804
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects