SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Temptavit quoque idem vir Dei ultra...; (Vita Willibrordi archiepiscopi Traiectensis (796 - 800), ch. 9 (p. 123-124)) [62]>, <Stelle: INCIPIT LIBELLUS CONTINENS VITAM VE...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), Titulus (p. 18)) [308]>, <Stelle: Denique, cum haec publice protestar...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 7 (pp. 27-28)) [311]>, <Stelle: Pariterque recolens quae iam apud D...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 12 (pp. 32-33)) [315]>, <Stelle: Quod etiam ipse tam decreti sui auc...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 13 (p. 35)) [316]>, <Stelle: Interim quoque dominus et pastor no...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 15 (p. 36)) [318]>, <Stelle: Qui prudenter et sollicite ea quae ...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 23 (pp. 49-51)) [324]>, <Stelle: Gens enim quaedam longe ab eis posi...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 30 (pp. 60-61)) [330]>, <Stelle: Denique dum haec agerentur, praedic...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 33 (p. 64)) [331]>, <Stelle: Nam ita est fides mea, et sic firmi...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 34 (pp. 65-66)) [332]>, <Stelle: Post haec vero contigit, ut Heriold...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 6 (p. 26)) [4997]>, <Stelle: Inde egressi, per Dorstatum et vici...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 7-8 (p. 29)) [4998]>, <Stelle: Siquidem ipse, divino, ut credimus,...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 13 (p. 35)) [5000]>, <Stelle: Per idem fere temporis accidit, ut ...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 19 (p. 41)) [5001]>, <Stelle: Interim rex praefatus cum Danis age...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 19 (p. 43)) [5002]>, <Stelle: ...iterum spiritu fervere coepit in...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 24 (p. 51)) [5003]>, <Stelle: Nec praetereundum quoque videtur, q...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 30 (p. 60)) [5004]>, <Stelle: Imperator Aquisgrani hiemavit. Aest...; (Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829), a. 804) [5892]>, <Stelle: Et quia nuntiabatur Godofridum rege...; (Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829), a. 808 (125-6)) [5893]>]> - Dani, [wurzel: dan]

Basic Information
Keyword Dani, [wurzel: dan]
Comment Have little written evidence for the extent of the power of the Danish kings in the ninth century: our Carolingian evidence does not give us much idea of the country beyond southern Jutland and probably Fyn (probably the island mentioned in the Frankish Royal Annals, to which the Danes retreated when they were pursued into Jutland) being controlled by one kings or family of kings. Their power may have extended to further areas of the later Danish kingdom, but all we can say for certain about the kings who emerge from texts such as the Life of Ansgar is that they ruled in the south of the country, with its important trading centres at Hedeby (normally referred to as Schleswig in Frankish sources) and Ribe.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((8.412781000000001 54.4397, 10.154114 54.495568, 10.865479 54.692884, 11.04126 55.541065, 10.546875 55.696164, 7.89917 55.621793, 8.412781000000001 54.4397))
Points and lines SRID=4326;GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (9.572801588633306 54.49911147649879), POINT (8.764448164673453 55.3293689747228))
Degree of uncertainty 6
  • Temptavit quoque idem vir Dei ultra...; (Vita Willibrordi archiepiscopi Traiectensis (796 - 800), ch. 9 (p. 123-124)) [62]
  • INCIPIT LIBELLUS CONTINENS VITAM VE...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), Titulus (p. 18)) [308]
  • Denique, cum haec publice protestar...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 7 (pp. 27-28)) [311]
  • Pariterque recolens quae iam apud D...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 12 (pp. 32-33)) [315]
  • Quod etiam ipse tam decreti sui auc...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 13 (p. 35)) [316]
  • Interim quoque dominus et pastor no...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 15 (p. 36)) [318]
  • Qui prudenter et sollicite ea quae ...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 23 (pp. 49-51)) [324]
  • Gens enim quaedam longe ab eis posi...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 30 (pp. 60-61)) [330]
  • Denique dum haec agerentur, praedic...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 33 (p. 64)) [331]
  • Nam ita est fides mea, et sic firmi...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 34 (pp. 65-66)) [332]
  • Post haec vero contigit, ut Heriold...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 6 (p. 26)) [4997]
  • Inde egressi, per Dorstatum et vici...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 7-8 (p. 29)) [4998]
  • Siquidem ipse, divino, ut credimus,...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 13 (p. 35)) [5000]
  • Per idem fere temporis accidit, ut ...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 19 (p. 41)) [5001]
  • Interim rex praefatus cum Danis age...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 19 (p. 43)) [5002]
  • ...iterum spiritu fervere coepit in...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 24 (p. 51)) [5003]
  • Nec praetereundum quoque videtur, q...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 30 (p. 60)) [5004]
  • Imperator Aquisgrani hiemavit. Aest...; (Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829), a. 804) [5892]
  • Et quia nuntiabatur Godofridum rege...; (Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829), a. 808 (125-6)) [5893]