Stelle XV, 22: Et postquam consummati fuer...; (Moralia in Iob (578 - 595), Moralia in Iob, XV, 22, p. 374-375) [5913]

Basic Information
ID 5913
Text Moralia in Iob (578 - 595) Gregory the Great
Quotation XV, 22: Et postquam consummati fuerint mille anni, solvetur satan de carcere suo, et exibit, et seducet gentes. Millenario namque numero universum pro perfectione sua hoc quantumlibet sit sanctae Ecclesiae tempus exprimitur. Quo peracto, antiquus hostis suis uiribus traditus, pauco quidem in tempore, sed in multa contra nos uirtute, laxatur.
Translation When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison and come out to deceive the nations. A thousand is a perfect number, whatever it may be, and expresses this universal time of the Holy Church. When this is over, the old enemy, who has regained his strength, will be let loose on us, only for a short time, but with great power.
Quotation source Moralia in Iob, XV, 22, p. 374-375
Temporal Coverage 500 - 1000
Associated use case(s)