Stelle Acceptaque etiam apostolicae auctor...; (Vita Willibrordi archiepiscopi Traiectensis (796 - 800), 8 (p. 123)) [61]

Basic Information
ID 61
Text Vita Willibrordi archiepiscopi Traiectensis (796 - 800) Alcuin of York
Quotation Acceptaque etiam apostolicae auctoritatis benedictione, cum maiori fidutia devotus verbi Dei praedicator ad praefatum Francorum ducem regressus est. (...) Qualem, divina gratia adiuvante, illis in locis fructum fecisset, testes sunt usque hodie populi per civitates, vicos et castella, quos ad veritatis agnitionem et ad unius omnipotentis Dei cultum pia ammonitione perduxerat; testes quoque ecclesiae, quas per loca singula construxerat, testes et Deo famulantium congregationes, quas aliquibus adunavit in locis.
Translation Having received the blessing of the Holy See, the devoted preacher of God's Word returned with increased confidence to the King of the Franks. (...) How great was the success which, through the help of divine grace, attended his labours is attested even in these days by the people whom in the cities, villages, and fortified towns he brought to a knowledge of the truth and the worship of almighty God by his holy admonitions. Other evidence is to be found in the churches which he built in each place and in the communities of monks and nuns whom he gathered together in various localities. (Trans. Grieve)
Quotation source 8 (p. 123)
Temporal Coverage 658 - 739
Associated use case(s)