Stelle Cumque studiosissime vir Dei per lo...; (Vita Willibrordi archiepiscopi Traiectensis (796 - 800), 6 (p. 121)) [60]

Basic Information
ID 60
Text Vita Willibrordi archiepiscopi Traiectensis (796 - 800) Alcuin of York
Quotation Cumque studiosissime vir Dei per loca singula discurrendo optatum euangelizandi opus exercuisset, et semina vitae, supernae gratiae rore inrigante, longe lateque in agris multorum cordium ad eius praedicationem uberrime pululassent, congaudens praedictus Francorum dux eius sanctissima devotione et verbi Dei clarissima multiplicatione, maioris profectus occassione prudenti cogitabat consilio eum Romam mittere, ut a domno apostolico Sergio, viro sanctissimo tunc temporis, in summi sacerdotii honorem ordinaretur, quatenus, apostolica benedictione et iussione suscepta, maiori ab eo missus fiducia roboratus, in opus euangelii reverteretur iuxta apostolicum illud: Quomodo praedicabunt, nisi mittantur?
Translation After the man of God had systematically visited several localities and carried out the task of evangelization, and when the seed of life watered by the dews of heavenly grace had, through his preaching, borne abundant fruit in many hearts, the aforesaid King of the Franks, highly pleased at Willibrord's burning zeal and the extraordinary growth of the Christian faith, and having in view the still greater propagation of religion, thought it wise to send him to Rome in order that he might be consecrated bishop by Pope Sergius,[4] one of the holiest men of that time. Thus, after receiving the apostolic blessing and mandate and being filled with greater confidence as the Pope's emissary, he would return to Preach the Gospel with even greater vigour, according to the [8] words of the Apostle: " How shall they preach unless they sent?" [Rom 10:15] (Trans. Grieve)
Quotation source 6 (p. 121)
Temporal Coverage 658 - 739
Associated use case(s)