Stelle Valentinianus cum fratre Valente an...; (Annales Quedlinburgenses (1001 - 1100), (p. 402)) [871]

Basic Information
ID 871
Text Annales Quedlinburgenses (1001 - 1100) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation Valentinianus cum fratre Valente annos XI. Valentiniano ergo in fide catholica fideliter permanente frater suus Valens ab Eudoxio arriano episcopo rebaptisatus Christianos persequitur, in tantum ut suae potestatis decreto monachos militare nolentesque fustibus iuberet interfici. Hoc tempore gens Hunnorum, diu inaccessis seclusa montibus, repentina rabie percita exarsit in Gothos eosque sparsim conturbatos ab antiquis sedibus ultra Danubium expulit. Qui a Valente imperatore sine armorum depositione suscepti mox fame per avaritiam illius ad rebellandum coacti sunt, victoque imperatoris exercitu per Thraciam discurrentes omnia caedibus, incendiis rapinisque vastarunt.
Translation Valentinian with his brother Valens reigned 11 years. And so with Valentinian remaining devoutly in the Catholic faith, his brother Valens was rebaptised by Eudoxius the Arian bishop and persecuted the Christian, to the extent that by a decree of his power he ordered monks who refused to perform military service to be beaten to death with cudgels. At this time the people of the Huns, having been long shut away in inaccessible mountains, were stirred up by a sudden rage and descended like flame upon the Goths, and expelled them from their old home, scattered in disarray across the Danube. Emperor Valens received them without their surrendering their arms and they were soon forced into rebellion by his avarice, and with the Emperor's army being defeated they ran through Thrace and wasted everything with slaughter, fire and pillage. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source (p. 402)
Temporal Coverage 364 - 376
Associated use case(s)