Stelle 881. Carolus imperator efficitur. ...; (Annales Prumienses (1001 - 1100), (p. 1291)) [870]

Basic Information
ID 870
Text Annales Prumienses (1001 - 1100) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation 881. Carolus imperator efficitur. 882. Gens Normannorum totum regnum Francorum incendio cremavit. Eodem anno Ludowicus, frater Caroli imperatoris, moritur. 883. Hludowicus rex.
Translation 881. Charles was made emperor. 882. The people of the northmen burnt all the kingdom of the Franks with fire. In the same year Louis, the brother of the emperor Charles, died. 883. King Louis. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source (p. 1291)
Temporal Coverage 881 - 883
Associated use case(s)