Stelle 863. Gens Hunorum christianitatis n...; (Annales Sangallenses maiores (1001 - 1100), (p. 76)) [874]

Basic Information
ID 874
Text Annales Sangallenses maiores (1001 - 1100) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation 863. Gens Hunorum christianitatis nomen aggressa est. 864. Translatio sancti Otmari de ecclesia sancti Petri in basilicam sancti Galli.
Translation 863. The people of the Huns attacked the name of Christendom. 864. The translation of St. Otmar from the Church of St Peter into the basilica of St Gall. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source (p. 76)
Temporal Coverage 863 - 864
Associated use case(s)