Stelle In eodem loco Leonem pontificem cum...; (Annales Tiliani (801 - 900), (p. 223)) [875]

Basic Information
ID 875
Text Annales Tiliani (801 - 900) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation In eodem loco Leonem pontificem cum honore suscepit, ibique reditum filii sui expectans, Leonem pontificem dimisit, et Aquis palatii reversus. Eodem anno gens Avarorum a fide quam promiserat defecit, et Ericus dux ab insidiis oppressus est, et Gaeroldus comes occisus est. Eodem anno monachus quidam de Hierusalem veniens, benedictionem et reliquias de sepulcro Domini detulit. Azam praefectus civitatis quae dicitur Osca claves civitatis cum muneribus transmisit.
Translation In the same place (Paderborn) he received Pope Leo with honour, and there awaiting the return of his son, he sent Pope Leo away, and returned to the palace at Aachen. In the same year the people of the Avars broke the faith which they had promised, and Duke Eric was oppressed by plots and Count Gerold was killed. In the same year a certain monk came from Jerusalem and brought a blessing and relics from the tomb of the Lord. The prefect of the city Azam who was called Osca handed over the keys of the city with gifts. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source (p. 223)
Temporal Coverage 799 - 799
Associated use case(s)