Stelle Ultra quos distendunt supra mare Po...; (De origine actibusque Getarum (Getica) (550 - 555), 5.37 (p. 63)) [974]

Basic Information
ID 974
Text De origine actibusque Getarum (Getica) (550 - 555) Jordanes
Quotation Ultra quos distendunt supra mare Ponticum Bulgarum sedes, quos notissimos peccatorum nostrorum mala fecerunt. Hinc iam Hunni quasi fortissimorum gentium fecundissimus cespes bifariam populorum rabiem pullularunt. Nam alii Altziagiri, alii Saviri nuncupantur, qui tamen sedes habent divisas: iuxta Chersonam Altziagiri, quo Asiae bona avidus mercator importat, qui aestate campos pervagant effusas sedes, prout armentorum invitaverint pabula, hieme supra mare Ponticum se referentes. Hunuguri autem hinc sunt noti, quia ab ipsis pellium murinarum venit commercium: quos tantorum virorum formidavit audacia.
Translation p. 238: Beyond these and above the Black Sea, extend the lands of the Bulgars, whom the sufferings on accounts of our sins have made very famous. From here, as if it were the most fertile ground for the strongest of nations, the Huns exploded in a twofold madness of peoples. For some are called Altziagiri and the others Sabiri, each inhabitating different places. The Altziagiri live near Cherson, where the greedy merchant imports the goods of Asia. In summer they make their home in the wide fields and wander wherever the fodder for their animals leads them. In winter they go north of the Pontic Sea. The Hunuguri, in turn, are familiar, as the trade in marten skins is practised with them. The insolence of such kind of men inspires fear in them.
Summary Dwelling area of the Bulgars, the sub-groups of the Huns - these are the Altziagiri and the Saviri - and the Hunigiri. Here, Jordanes identifies the Bulgars with the Huns, following a rather common equation in the 6th century.
Quotation source 5.37 (p. 63)
Temporal Coverage 500 - 550
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects