Text Historia (540 - 565)

Metadaten zum Text
Old primary key None
Title Historia
Alternative title The Lost History of Peter The Patrician
Language grec
Century 6.
From 540
To 565
not before 540
not after 565
Edition Banchich, Thomas, ed. and trans. (2015), The lost history of Peter the Patrician: an account of Rome's imperial past from the age of Justinian (London/New York: Routledge).
Genre Historiography
  • Peter the Patrician
  • Place
  • Constantinople
  • Autoren
    Basic Information
    PK None
    Name (de) Petros Patrikios
    Name (en) Petrus Patricius
    Name (lat) Peter the Patrician
    Name (fr) Pierre le Patrice
    Name (it) Pietro Patrizio
    Name (gr) Πέτρος ὁ Πατρίκιος
    Jahrhundert 6.
    von 500
    bis 565
    Ort Thessaloniki
    GND https://d-nb.info/gnd/119450224
    ID 11.0
    PK 11
    Name (antik) Byzantion/Byzantium/Constantinopolis
    Name (de) Konstantinopel
    Name (fr) Constantinople
    Name (it) Costantinopoli
    Name (gr)
    Längengrad 28.955
    Breitengrad 41.013611
    Art des Ortes Ort
    CSV {"ortid": 11, "ort_en": "Constantinople", "ort_antik": "Byzantion/Byzantium/Constantinopolis", "ort_de": "Konstantinopel", "ort_fr": "Constantinople", "ort_it": "Costantinopoli", "koordn": 41.013611, "koordw": 28.955, "art": "Ort", "kommentar": "", "kategorie": "", "heilige": ""}