Text Instituta regalia et ministeria camerae regum Longobardorum et Honorantiae civitatis Papiae (1010 - 1030)
Legacy ID | 203.0 |
Old primary key | 203 |
Title | Instituta regalia et ministeria camerae regum Longobardorum et Honorantiae civitatis Papiae |
Language | lat |
Century | 11th. |
From | 1010 |
To | 1030 |
not before | 1010 |
not after | 1030 |
Edition | MGH, SS 30/2, 1926-1934 (A. Hofmeister), p. 1450-1460 |
Genre | Others |
Comment | The place of origin of the text is uncertain. |
Original data | {"tid": 203, "tautor": "81", "tautor2": "", "tautor3": "", "ttitel": "Instituta regalia et ministeria camerae regum Longobardorum et Honorantiae civitatis Papiae", "tzeitvon": "1010", "tzeitbis": "1030", "tjh": "11th.", "tedition1": "MGH, SS 30/2, 1926-1934 (A. Hofmeister), p. 1450-1460", "tedition2": "", "tart1": "12", "tkommentar": "The place of origin of the text is uncertain.", "tort": "31", "tort2": "", "tort3": "", "tort4": "", "tort5": "", "tort6": "", "tautor1": null} |
Author |
Place |
ID | 81.0 |
PK | 81 |
Name (de) | Gisulfus II. aus Pavia |
Name (en) | |
Name (lat) | Gisulfus II of Pavia |
Name (fr) | Gisulf II de Pavia |
Name (it) | Gisulfo II di Pavia |
Name (gr) | |
Jahrhundert | 11th c. |
von | 1000 |
bis | 1100 |
Ort | Pavia |
GND | |
Kommentar |
ID | 31.0 |
PK | 31 |
Name (antik) | Ticinum |
Name (de) | Pavia |
Name (fr) | Pavia |
Name (it) | Pavia |
Name (gr) | |
Längengrad | 9.15 |
Breitengrad | 45.183333 |
Art des Ortes | Ort |
Kategorie | small place |
Kommentar | |
CSV | {"ortid": 31, "ort_en": "Pavia", "ort_antik": "Ticinum", "ort_de": "Pavia", "ort_fr": "Pavia", "ort_it": "Pavia", "koordn": 45.183333, "koordw": 9.15, "art": "Ort", "kommentar": "", "kategorie": "small place", "heilige": ""} |