Stelle Dani antiquitus erant Christiani, s...; (Rerum gestarum Saxonicarum libri tres (967 - 973), iii.65 (p. 140)) [5044]

Basic Information
ID 5044
Text Rerum gestarum Saxonicarum libri tres (967 - 973) Widukind of Corvey
Quotation Dani antiquitus erant Christiani, sed nichilominus idolis ritu gentili servientes. Contigit autem altercationem super cultura deorum fieri in quodam convivio rege presente, Danis affirmantibus Christum quidem esse deum, sed alios eo fore maiores deos, quippe qui potiora mortalibus signa et prodigia per se ostenderent. Contra haec clericus quidam, nunc vero religiosam vitam ducens episcopus nomine Poppa, unum verum deum patrem cum filio unigenito domino nostro Iesu Christo et spiritu sancto, simulacra vero daemonia esse et non deos testatus est. Haraldus autem rex, utpote qui velox traditur fore ad audiendum, tardus ad loquendum, interrogat, si hanc fidem per semet ipsum declarare velit. Ille incunctanter velle respondit. Rex vero custodire clericum usque in crastinum iubet. Mane facto ingentis ponderis ferrum igne succendi iubet, clericumque ob fidem catholicam candens ferrum portare iussit. Confessor Christi indubitanter ferrum rapit tamdiuque deportat, quo ipse rex decernit. Manum incolumem cunctis ostendit, fidem catholicam omnibus probabilem reddit. Ad haec rex conversus Christum deum solum colendum decrevit, idola respuenda subiectis gentibus imperat, Dei sacerdotibus et ministris honorem debitum deinde prestitit. Sed et haec virtutibus merito patris tui adscribuntur, cuius industria in illis regionibus ecclesiae sacerdotumque ordines in tantum fulsere.
Translation Regarding the Danes, and how they became Christians. In times past, the Danes were Christians, but nevertheless continued to worship idols in their traditional manner. But then there was a dispute in the presence of the king during a feast regarding the worshipping of their gods. The Danes affirmed that Christ was a god. But they claimed that there were other, greater gods, who manifested themselves to people through even more powerful signs and prodigies. Against this, a certain cleric named Poppo, who is now a bishop and leads a religious life, proclaimed that there is one true God, the father, along with his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. The images, he proclaimed, were of demons and not gods. King Harald, who it is said was quick to listen but slow to speak, asked if Poppo wished to demonstrate this faith through his own person. Poppo responded without hesitation that he wished to do so. The king then ordered that the priest be placed under guard until the next day. When morning came, the king ordered that a very heavy piece of iron be heated in the fire. He then ordered the cleric to carry this glowing iron for his Catholic faith. The confessor of Christ seized the iron without any fear at all, and carried it far as the king had ordered. The priest then showed everyone his unharmed hand, and gave proof to everyone there of his Catholic faith. As a result, the king became a Christian and decreed that God alone was to be worshipped. He ordered all of his subjects to reject idols, and gave all due honor to the priests and servants of God. But these events also are to be ascribed to the virtues and merit of your father by whose efforts the churches and orders of priests shined forth in these regions. (Trans. Bacharach, pp. 139-40)
Quotation source iii.65 (p. 140)
Temporal Coverage 963 - 965
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects