SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: De servis fugacibus quia iam antea ...; (Liutprand Leges Anni XV, MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 144) [5369]>, <Stelle: Si quis iudex aut quiscumque homo m...; ([II] Ratchis Leges p. chr. 746, MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 190) [5411]>]> - Beneventum (Benevento), [wurzel: benevent*]

Basic Information
Keyword Beneventum (Benevento), [wurzel: benevent*]
Comment Approximate area of the Langobard (Lombard) region of Beneventum
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((14.889221 42.019203, 15.005608 42.004407, 15.013847 41.987822, 15.083885 41.937786, 15.183105 41.920162, 15.262413 41.920162, 15.304642 41.920928, 15.342064 41.915563, 15.36438 41.900999, 15.424805 41.899722, 15.480423 41.906365, 15.624619 41.929868, 15.673714 41.916841, 15.689163 41.889755, 15.681953 41.866493, 15.720406 41.847826, 15.762291 41.843222, 15.77877 41.850383, 15.79525 41.845013, 15.814133 41.867771, 15.803146 41.884132, 15.809669 41.900488, 15.795593 41.917862, 15.864258 41.93089, 15.89859 41.929102, 16.01326 41.946724, 16.063728 41.946213, 16.10733 41.928336, 16.123123 41.911986, 16.150932 41.910453, 16.163635 41.887966, 16.180801 41.883876, 16.173077 41.862913, 16.183033 41.844757, 16.193333 41.8367, 16.197968 41.826084, 16.198139 41.811499, 16.194019 41.782705, 16.175308 41.767087, 16.115227 41.732124, 16.059952 41.692911, 16.01326 41.668296, 15.961075 41.649058, 15.91198 41.625195, 15.89344 41.586432, 15.90168 41.535824, 15.945282 41.4682, 16.030426 41.424451, 16.145096 41.382218, 16.21376 41.354649, 16.256332 41.330936, 16.292381 41.323201, 16.359673 41.303861, 16.419067 41.283483, 16.45752 41.260001, 16.518288 41.244772, 16.565323 41.222052, 16.614075 41.196482, 16.673813 41.190023, 16.719131 41.170126, 16.776466 41.159529, 16.816635 41.137813, 16.847878 41.138589, 16.871223 41.134452, 16.885643 41.118935, 16.923409 41.111175, 16.958771 41.097206, 17.047005 41.081163, 17.176437 41.024981, 17.240639 40.988969, 17.302094 40.960456, 17.352562 40.906767, 15.562477 40.075707, 15.515442 40.064935, 15.46875 40.040232, 15.420685 39.992904, 15.360947 40.000268, 15.317688 40.027614, 15.281982 40.023408, 15.267563 40.080173, 15.178299 40.134791, 15.127487 40.180447, 15.071869 40.16838, 15.03685 40.171528, 14.990845 40.217684, 14.901581 40.247564, 14.945526 40.275859, 14.950333 40.33189, 15.005264 40.370613, 14.948959 40.476203, 14.868622 40.598313, 14.791718 40.671264, 14.726486 40.667619, 14.60907 40.767022, 14.50058 40.839788, 14.460754 40.901058, 14.442902 40.977825, 14.304199 40.995448, 14.168243 41.05036, 14.065247 41.023427, 13.96225 40.985082, 13.885345 41.101086, 13.775482 41.222052, 13.886719 41.317013, 13.888092 41.425223, 13.699951 41.462283, 13.653259 41.545589, 13.752136 41.608255, 13.859253 41.658549, 14.021301 41.745701, 14.127731 41.852174, 13.995895 42.013081, 13.842087 42.16035, 13.902512 42.232585, 14.05014 42.312862, 14.173737 42.353977, 14.27948 42.423457, 14.392776 42.36514, 14.528389 42.239448, 14.71447 42.175109, 14.720993 42.098987, 14.793434 42.065352, 14.889221 42.019203))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 5
  • De servis fugacibus quia iam antea ...; (Liutprand Leges Anni XV, MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 144) [5369]
  • Si quis iudex aut quiscumque homo m...; ([II] Ratchis Leges p. chr. 746, MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 190) [5411]