SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Insulas quoque prope ad consumation...; (Chronica Anni 754 Vel Chronica Muzarabica (754 - 2020), Chroniques Anni 754, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §42 (pp. 348-49)) [5665]>]> - India, [wurzel: India]

Basic Information
Keyword India, [wurzel: India]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((62.050781 36.808185, 60.292969 34.668229, 59.985352 27.136146, 61.040039 25.124149, 66.57714799999999 25.16393, 69.38964799999999 21.860224, 71.103516 20.384538, 72.72949199999999 22.430071, 74.53125 26.783621, 76.59668000000001 32.434454, 76.59668000000001 35.566863, 74.179688 38.684438, 68.730469 39.469065, 62.050781 36.808185))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 10
  • Insulas quoque prope ad consumation...; (Chronica Anni 754 Vel Chronica Muzarabica (754 - 2020), Chroniques Anni 754, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §42 (pp. 348-49)) [5665]