SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Insulas quoque prope ad consumation...; (Chronica Anni 754 Vel Chronica Muzarabica (754 - 2020), Chroniques Anni 754, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §42 (pp. 348-49)) [5665]>]> - Mauritania, [wurzel: Mauritani*]

Basic Information
Keyword Mauritania, [wurzel: Mauritani*]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((17.314453 31.089398, 14.72168 28.881957, 9.887695000000001 28.843471, 6.108398 30.10593, -0.175781 29.72503, -2.768555 27.604454, -6.108398 24.845319, -8.217772999999999 21.656152, -11.513672 16.044494, -16.040039 14.475905, -17.709961 14.985913, -16.12793 18.353222, -16.655273 19.641294, -16.693726 20.354928, -17.221069 20.735566, -17.050781 21.45179, -16.479492 24.085336, -14.985352 25.16393, -14.80957 26.705133, -12.963867 28.031986, -10.283203 29.839453, -9.711914 31.239811, -9.624022999999999 32.65672, -7.470703 34.124311, -6.108398 35.2086, -5.625 36.030221, -4.262695 35.2086, -1.889648 35.781057, 1.230469 36.63206, 4.042969 37.229235, 6.635742 37.334132, 9.272461 37.752258, 11.206055 37.647947, 11.425781 36.686041, 10.458984 35.923532, 11.601563 35.028872, 10.151367 34.124311, 12.304688 33.54025, 13.710938 33.430295, 15.512695 32.582692, 17.314453 31.089398))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 9
  • Insulas quoque prope ad consumation...; (Chronica Anni 754 Vel Chronica Muzarabica (754 - 2020), Chroniques Anni 754, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §42 (pp. 348-49)) [5665]