SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: His motibus ita conpositis, Sclavis...; (Vita Karoli Magni (814 - 830), 12 (p. 15)) [4902]>]> - Sueones, [wurzel: Sueon]

Basic Information
Keyword Sueones, [wurzel: Sueon]
Comment Einhard describes the Northmen, subdivided into Danes and Swedes, as occupying the northern shore of the Baltic and the islands within it.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((19.907227 57.100452, 17.028809 55.689972, 15.13916 56.218923, 16.501465 61.33354, 17.512207 62.653963, 17.973633 63.035039, 18.347168 62.664055, 22.324219 59.833775, 19.907227 57.100452))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 7
  • His motibus ita conpositis, Sclavis...; (Vita Karoli Magni (814 - 830), 12 (p. 15)) [4902]