SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: .... Et eduxit eos de terra orienta...; (Revelationes Pseudo-Methodii (650 - 700), PsM VIII, pp. 99-100) [5817]>]> - Alexander the Great, [wurzel: Alexand]

Basic Information
Keyword Alexander the Great, [wurzel: Alexand]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((39.627686 41.623657, 51.976318 38.048093, 51.361084 41.129023, 36.903076 44.887014, 39.627686 41.623657))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 7
  • .... Et eduxit eos de terra orienta...; (Revelationes Pseudo-Methodii (650 - 700), PsM VIII, pp. 99-100) [5817]