Text Revelationes Pseudo-Methodii (650 - 700)

Metadaten zum Text
Old primary key None
Title Revelationes Pseudo-Methodii
Alternative title Revelations of Pseudo-Methodius
Language Syriac
Century 7
From 691
To 691
not before 650
not after 700
Genre Biblical Exegesis
Comment The author of the Revelationes is unknown, they were attributed to Methodios, bishop of Olympos in Lycia (southern Asia Minor) in the 4th century. The Revelationes were probably composed towards the end of a polonged period of crisis and unrest, the so-called second Fitna (or Arab civil war, 680-692). The dating of the PsM around 691 has become widely accepted in research, which was established by Gerrit J. Reinink, the editor of the Syrian version of the PsM text, in his article, see Gerrit J. Reinink, "Pseudo-Methodius und die Legende vom Römischen Endkaiser," in: Werner Verbeke, Daniel Verhelst, Andries Welkenhysen (Hg.), Use and Abuse of Eschatology (Mediaevalia Lovaniensia 1/15, Leuven 1988) 82–111; an earlier dating around 650 was argued by Otto Prinz, "Eine frühe abendländische Aktualisierung der lateinischen Übersetzung des Pseudo-Methodius," in: DA 41 (1985) 1–23, Edition 6–17, at 1. In general, a number of different dates, all in the seventh century, have been suggested. See also Cinzia Grifoni, Clemens Gantner, "The Third Latin Recension of the Revelationes of Pseudo-Methodius – Introduction and Edition," in: Cultures of Eschatology, Volume 1: Empires and Scriptural Authorities in Medieval Christian, Islamic and Buddhist Communities. Volume 2: Time, Death and Afterlife in Medieval Christian, Islamic and Buddhist Communities, ed. Veronika Wieser, Vincent Eltschinger, Johann Heiss (Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2020). Already at the turn to the 8th century, the text was translated into Greek, possibly in a monastery on the Sinai. From there, the translation must have reached the Latin area of Europe relatively quickly. Between 710 and 720, the Latin translation was made by a monk named Peter. Where exactly this translation, which formed the starting point for the first Latin review of the PsM, was obtained, is unclear.
  • Pseudo-Methodius
  • Place
  • Syria
  • Autoren
    Basic Information
    PK None
    Name (de) Pseudo-Methodius
    Name (en) Pseudo-Methodius
    Name (lat) Pseudo-Methodius
    Name (fr)
    Name (it)
    Name (gr) Pseudo-Methodios
    Jahrhundert 7
    von 690
    bis 695
    Ort Syria
    Kommentar dates are approximations!
    PK None
    Name (antik) Syria
    Name (de) Syrien
    Name (fr) Syrie
    Name (it) Siria
    Name (gr)
    Längengrad 36.7589005
    Breitengrad 34.7943216
    Art des Ortes Region
    Kategorie Region