Stelle .... Et eduxit eos de terra orienta...; (Revelationes Pseudo-Methodii (650 - 700), PsM VIII, pp. 99-100) [5817]

Basic Information
ID 5817
Text Revelationes Pseudo-Methodii (650 - 700) Pseudo-Methodius
Quotation .... Et eduxit eos de terra orientale et conclusit minans eos, donec introissent in finibus Aquilonis. Et non est introitus nec exitus ab Oriente usque in Occidentem, quis per quod quis possit ad eos transire vel introire. Continua ergo supplicatus est Deum Alexander, et exaudivit eius obsecrationem et praecipit Dominus Deus duobus montibus, quibus est vocabulum "Ubera Aquilonis," et adiuncti proximaverunt invicem usque ad duodecem cubi- torum. Et construxit portas aereas et superinduxit eas asincitum, ut, si voluerint eas patefacere in ferro, non possunt aut dis- solvere per igne nee valeant utrumque, sed statim ignis om- nis extinguitur. Talis enim est natura asinciti, quia neque ferro confringitur ictus ferientes neque igne suscipit resolutionem . Universas enim adinventiones daemonum et calliditates mortiferas vel supervacuas operantur. Haec obscinissime et deforme vel sordidae gentes cuncta que magicae artis malorum abutuntur inmunditer. Etiam in his illorum sordidam et inhumanam, magis autem, ut conpetenter dicitur, Deo odibilem distructa est maleficia, ita ut non possint neque ferro neque per igne vel quodcumque libet aliud astuciam easdem reserare vel aperire portas et fugire.
Translation ... And he led them out of the eastern land and hemmed them in and drove them on until they came to the furthest regions of the North. And there is neither a way in nor a way out from east to west, through which one might be able to cross over or go in to them. Therefore Alexander immediately called upon God, and the Lord God heard his prayer and commanded two mountains, whose name is the Paps of the North, and they were joined together and drew as close as twelve cubits to one another. And he constructed brazen gates and covered them with asincitum, so that if they should want to open them with iron they would not be able or to dissolve them with fire they would not prevail either, rather straightaway all the fire would be quenched. For the nature of asincitum is such that neither is it broken by striking blows of iron nor does it undergo dissolution by fire. For it is effective with all the inventions of the demons and deadly and useless contraptions. These filthy and mishapen or vile nations employed in unclean fashion all of the evils of magical art. And in these things too their sordid and inhuman, or, to put it more strongly, hateful to God, sorcery was undone, so that they were not able by fire or iron or any other conceivable cunning to unlock or open these same gates and make their escape.
Quotation source PsM VIII, pp. 99-100
Temporal Coverage -356 - -323
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Spatial Coverage Objects