SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Nunc autem ea quae noviter cunctaru...; (Miracula Sancti Germani Parisiensis in Normannorum adventu facta (801 - 900), Cap. 2 (p. 10)) [997]>, <Stelle: Verum si aliquis quaerat cur nostr...; (Chronicon Centulense (1088 - 1105), Lib. 3, Cap. 10 (p. 118, lin. 2)) [1698]>]> - Dani, [wurzel: dan]
Passages |
Keyword | Dani, [wurzel: dan] |
Comment | In the ninth and tenth centuries, 'Danes' was often used as a general term referring to Scandinavians. |
Approximate localisation | SRID=4326;POLYGON ((8.970337000000001 54.476422, 10.187073 54.503542, 13.447266 54.826008, 16.347656 54.775346, 19.555664 56.920997, 20.126953 63.411198, 12.480469 66.390361, 2.988281 62.593341, 4.21875 57.610107, 8.970337000000001 54.476422)) |
Points and lines | None |
Degree of uncertainty | 9 |
Passage |