SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Traditio Uuiruti, Gisalmar et Uuent...; (Traditionen des Hochstifts Regensburg (800 - 899), Traditionen Regensburg, Nr. 10 p. 8-9) [5101]>]> - Avaria, [wurzel: Avar]

Basic Information
Keyword Avaria, [wurzel: Avar]
Comment The location of these "loca avarorum" is not entirely clear. The places marked in the map are after Pohl, The Avars p. 388.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((16.380272 47.836897, 16.42765 47.853256, 16.488762 47.854408, 16.545753 47.83851, 16.567039 47.805315, 16.558113 47.791477, 16.53614 47.75479, 16.499405 47.733551, 16.437607 47.730087, 16.401215 47.743941, 16.373749 47.769099, 16.365852 47.806929, 16.377525 47.83344, 16.388855 47.841505, 16.385422 47.83851, 16.380272 47.836897))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 5
  • Traditio Uuiruti, Gisalmar et Uuent...; (Traditionen des Hochstifts Regensburg (800 - 899), Traditionen Regensburg, Nr. 10 p. 8-9) [5101]