Stelle itaque eas seorsum scriptas se cum ...; (De civitate Dei (413 - 427), Lib. 7, Cap. 35 (lin. 31)) [1078]

Basic Information
ID 1078
Text De civitate Dei (413 - 427) Augustine of Hippo
Quotation itaque eas seorsum scriptas se cum quodam modo mori fecit, quando ita subtrahendas hominum notitiae sepeliendasque curauit. aut ergo daemonum illic tam sordidae et noxiae cupiditates erant conscriptae, ut ex his tota illa theologia ciuilis etiam apud tales homines execrabilis appareret, qui tam multa in ipsis sacris erubescenda susceperant; aut illi omnes nihil aliud quam homines mortui prodebantur, quos tam prolixa temporis uetustate fere omnes populi gentium deos inmortales esse crediderant, cum et talibus sacris idem illi daemones oblectarentur, qui se colendos pro ipsis mortuis, quos deos putari fecerant, quibusdam fallacium miraculorum adtestationibus supponebant.
Translation These writings, then, either described the sordid and noxious lusts of the demons in a way that would make the whole of civil theology appear execrable even to men who had adopted so many shameful things into their sacred rites; or else all the gods, whom almost all the nations of the Gentiles had for so long believed to be immortal, were there revealed as nothing more than dead men. But those same demons took delight in such rites, through which they themselves were worshipped in place of those dead men whom, by means of the testimony of false miracles, they had caused to be regarded as gods. (Trans. Dyson, p. 311)
Quotation source Lib. 7, Cap. 35 (lin. 31)
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