Stelle hoc testimonium propheticum de uoca...; (De civitate Dei (413 - 427), Lib. 18, Cap. 28 (lin. 7)) [1079]

Basic Information
ID 1079
Text De civitate Dei (413 - 427) Augustine of Hippo
Quotation hoc testimonium propheticum de uocatione populi gentium, qui prius non pertinebat ad deum, etiam apostoli intellexerunt. et quia ipse quoque populus gentium spiritaliter est in filiis abrahae ac per hoc recte dicitur israel, propterea sequitur et dicit: et congregabuntur filii iuda et filii israel in id ipsum, et ponent sibi principatum unum et ascendent a terra. hoc si adhuc uelimus exponere, eloquii prophetici obtundetur sapor.
Translation The apostles also understood this as a prophetic witness to the calling of the people of the Gentiles, who did not formerly belong to God. And because the people of the Gentiles themselves belong spiritually to the children of Abraham, and for that reason are rightly called Israel, the prophet therefore goes on to say, ‘And the children of Judah and the children of Israel shall be gathered together in one, and shall appoint themselves one headship, and shall ascend from the earth.’ If we were to attempt to expound this saying here, we should only spoil the flavour of its prophetic eloquence. (Trans. Dyson)
Quotation source Lib. 18, Cap. 28 (lin. 7)
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