Stelle Sed quid sibi velit quod hi qui lon...; (Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum seu Quaestiones in Vetus Testamentum (624 - 636), Cap. 12, Par. 3, Col. 342 (lin. 35)) [1225]

Basic Information
ID 1225
Text Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum seu Quaestiones in Vetus Testamentum (624 - 636) Isidore of Seville
Quotation Sed quid sibi velit quod hi qui longius habitabant, vel immundi in anima fuerant, in secundo mense pascha jussi sunt facere? Quo nimirum in typo intelliguntur populi gentium, qui cum, omnibus daemonibus fornicati, immundi videbantur in anima, salubri vero confessione mundati, ad secundam nativitatem, quasi ad secundum mensem, transire praecipiuntur.
Translation But why did he wish that those who lived further away, or who were impure of spirit should do as they were ordered in the month following passover? By this clearly the people of the gentiles are meant, who when they fornicated with all the demons were seen as impure in spirit, but were purified by the grace of confession, to a second birth, just as to the second month they were ordered to cross over.
Quotation source Cap. 12, Par. 3, Col. 342 (lin. 35)
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