Stelle Cujus prior Judaicus, caecus, et av...; (Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum seu Quaestiones in Vetus Testamentum (624 - 636), Cap. 15, Par. 9, Col. 346 (lin. 46)) [1226]

Basic Information
ID 1226
Text Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum seu Quaestiones in Vetus Testamentum (624 - 636) Isidore of Seville
Quotation Cujus prior Judaicus, caecus, et aversus, ignarus pendentis gratiae, et pressus onere suspensi, cui subjicietur judicanti; de quibus dicitur: Obscurentur oculi eorum, ne videant, et dorsum eorum semper incurva. Qui vero posterior veniebat, populi gentium gerebat figuram, qui credens, et Christum ante oculos habens, semper eum portans videt, et quasi servus dominum, et discipulus magistrum sequitur, sicut Dominus in Evangelio ait: Si quis vult venire post me, tollat crucem suam, et sequatur me.
Translation Of whom the first, Jewish, blind, bent over, ignorant of the grace that was to come, and weighed down with the burden of uncertainty, to whose judgement he will be subjected; of whom it is said: their eyes shall be obscured, so they shall not see, and their back shall be forever curved. But he who comes later, brought the sign of the people of the nations, who, believing, and having Christ before their eyes, and always bearing him, see, and just as a servant follows a lord and a disciple follows a master, thus the Lord says in his Gospel: if someone wishes to come after me, let him take up his own cross, and follow me.
Quotation source Cap. 15, Par. 9, Col. 346 (lin. 46)
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