Stelle Siquidem cum rex Vulgarum cum propr...; (Epistolae sive praefationes: Epistola V (850 - 871), Epist. 5 (p. 411, lin. 27)) [1814]

Basic Information
ID 1814
Text Epistolae sive praefationes: Epistola V (850 - 871) Anastasius bibliothecarius (the Librarian)
Quotation Siquidem cum rex Vulgarum cum propria gente Christi fidei suscepisset per hominem Romanum, id est quendam presbyterum Paulum nomine, documentum atque mysterium, propositum habuit a sede apostolica non modo fidei regulam, sed et sanctae legis sumere disciplinam. Quod et fecit non solum a praefato presbytero, verum etiam per divinam revelationem instructus, quae sic temporum qualitatem discrevit, ut postrema in priorem reformaret statum et ordinem. Nam tota Dardania Thessalia Dacia et utraque Hepirus atque ceterae regiones iuxta Histrum fluvium sitae apostolicae sedis vestrae moderamine antiquitus praecipue regebantur et disponebantur.
Translation Since indeed when the King of the Bulgars with his people had accepted - from a Roman priest named Paul - the example and the mystery of the faith of Christ, he had a plan to take up not only the rule of faith from the apostolic see, but also the study of holy law. And this he did, not only from the aforementioned priest, but he was also instructed by divine revelation, which made such a marked division between his and other eras, so that he reformed the present day to an earlier state and order of affairs: for he ruled and arranged matters in all of Dardania, Thessalia, Dacia and Epirus and the other regions lying near the Ister river which had of old been subject to your direction under the governance of the apostolic see. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source Epist. 5 (p. 411, lin. 27)
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