Stelle Qui deinde per inuidiam romanorum, ...; (De temporum ratione liber (701 - 725), Cap. 66 (lin. 1727)) [1869]

Basic Information
ID 1869
Text De temporum ratione liber (701 - 725) Bede
Quotation Qui deinde per inuidiam romanorum, pro quibus multa contra gothos laborauerat, accusatus apud iustinum et coniugem eius sophiam quod seruitio praemeret italiam, secessit neapolim campaniae et scripsit genti langobardorum ut uenirent et possiderent italiam. Iohannes romanae ecclesiae pontifex ecclesiam apostolorum philippi et iacobi, quam prodecessor eius pelagius coeperat, fecit et dedicauit.
Translation Then, due to the malice of the Romans, on whose behalf he had laboured long against the Goths, [Narses] was accused before Justin and his wife Sophia of claiming Italy in subjection as his reward. He with-drew to Naples in Campania, and wrote to the people of the Lombards [telling them] that they should come and possess Italy. John bishop of the Roman Church completed and dedicated the church of the Apostles Philip and James, which his predecessor Pelagius had begun. (Trans. Faith, p. 225)
Quotation source Cap. 66 (lin. 1727)
Temporal Coverage 568 - 568
Associated use case(s)