Stelle Burgundiones quondam, a Romanis sub...; (Etymologiarum sive Originum libri XX (622 - 633), ix.2.99-100) [2171]

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ID 2171
Text Etymologiarum sive Originum libri XX (622 - 633) Isidore of Seville
Quotation Burgundiones quondam, a Romanis subacta interiori Germania, per castrorum limites positi a Tiberio Caesare in magnam coaluerunt gentem, atque ita nomen ex locis sumpserunt; quia crebra per limites habitacula constituta burgos uulgo uocant. Hi postea rebelles Romanis effecti plus quam octoginta milia armatorum ripae Rheni fluminis insederunt, et nomen gentis obtinuerunt. Saxonum gens in Oceani litoribus et paludibus inuiis sita, uirtute atque agilitate habilis. Vnde et appellata, quod sit durum et ualidissimum genus hominum et praestans ceteris piraticis.
Translation Formerly, when the interior of Germania was subjected by the Romans, the Burgundians coalesced into a large nation after being placed at the frontier-line of the Roman camps by Tiberius Caesar. Thus they drew their name from their location, because in their vernacular they call the dense settlements along the frontier ‘forts’ ( burgus ). Afterwards they rebelled against the Romans and, comprising more than eighty thousand armed men, they settled on the banks of the Rhine, and took the name of a nation. 100 . The Saxon people, situated on the shores of the Ocean in impassable marshes, are accomplished in strength and agility. Whence they were named (i.e. from saxosus , “stony”), because they are a hard and very powerful kind of people, standing out above the other piratical tribes. (Trans. Barney, Lewis, Beach and Berghof, p. 197)
Quotation source ix.2.99-100
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