Stelle Si meam, privigni scilicet sui, fac...; (Antapodosis (Liber retributionis) (958 - 962), CC CM, Lib. 3, Cap. 45 (lin. 775), trans. Squatriti, p. 134-5) [2490]

Basic Information
ID 2490
Text Antapodosis (Liber retributionis) (958 - 962) Liutprand of Cremona
Quotation Si meam, privigni scilicet sui, faciem cecîdit, cum praesertim novus habeatur hospes, quid vobis iam inveteratum facere creditis? An Burgundionum voracitatem et superbiam ignoratis? Ipsam saltem nominis etimologiam dispicite: Burgundiones ideo dictos quoniam, dum Romani orbe devicto ex gente hac captivos ducerent multos, constituerunt eis ut extra urbem domos sibi sustollerent, a quibus et paulo post a Romanis ob superbiam sunt expulsi; et quoniam ipsi domorum congregationem quae muro non clauditur 'burgum ' vocant, Burgundiones a Romanis, quod est a burgo expulsi, apellati sunt. Caeterum secundum naturale nomen Galli Allobrogi nuncupantur.
Translation For what is more lurid and what is more debased than that the city of Rome should perish by the impurity of one woman, and the one-time slaves of the Romans, the Burgundians, I mean, should rule the Romans? If he hits my face, that is, the face of his stepson, and, what is more, when he is a recently arrived guest, what do you think he will do to you as soon as he has settled in? Do you perhaps not know of the voracity and haughtiness of the Burgundians? Pay attention simply to the etymology of their name: indeed the Burgundians are called that since the Romans, after having conquered the world and having led off many captives from that nation, ordered them to erect houses for themselves outside the city, from which they were expelled a little later by the Romans because of their haugh-tiness; and, as they call a group of houses which is not enclosed by a wall ‘a burg,’ they were called Burgundians by the Romans, meaning ‘those expelled from the burg.’ They are called by their natural name by others, that is, Allobrogian Gauls.
Quotation source CC CM, Lib. 3, Cap. 45 (lin. 775), trans. Squatriti, p. 134-5
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