Stelle In hoc tandem plena deliberatione c...; (Annales Romani (1044 - 1187), (p. 475, lin. 36)) [2607]

Basic Information
ID 2607
Text Annales Romani (1044 - 1187) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation In hoc tandem plena deliberatione convenit, ut omnes quos ceperat liberos faceret, dummodo securitatem sibi aput papam futuri temporis provideret. Hoc profecto per principes suos, hoc per clericos, hoc per laycos, hoc per cives Romanos sollicitius satagebat. Ceterum domnus papa facilius vitam exponere quam investituris episcopatuum et abbatiarum consentire malebat, quamvis ille per investituras illas non ecclesias, non officia quelibet, set sola regalia se dare assereret.
Translation In this, it came about at length through hefty deliberation that he would free all those whom he had captured, and provide some security to the Pope for his future behaviour. When he had done this for his princes, he busied himself doing this for the clerics, that for the laymen, this for the citizens of Rome. Furthermore the Lord Pope preferred to risk his life rather than consent to the investiture of bishops and abbots [by the Emperor], although he [the Emperor] asserted that he would give on the occasions of investiture not the churches nor any kind of office, but only the regalia. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source (p. 475, lin. 36)
Temporal Coverage 1111 - 1111
Associated use case(s)