Stelle Anno 17. pontificatus Paschalis sec...; (Annales Romani (1044 - 1187), (p. 476, lin. 46)) [2608]

Basic Information
ID 2608
Text Annales Romani (1044 - 1187) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation Anno 17. pontificatus Paschalis secundi pape indictione 9. mense Aprelis die 2. obiit Petrus prefectus. Huius temporibus, eo quod noluit concedere prefecturam Petro filius iam quondam equivoci Petri prefecti, facta est coniuratio magna atque seditio in hac civitate Romana. Necnon et totis comitibus, quos circa omnes partes Romane urbis fuerunt, simul coniuravere ex utraque parte; scilicet a parte pontificis et ex parte prefecti.
Translation In the seventeenth year of the potificate of Paschal II, the ninth indiction, on the second day of the month of April Peter the Prefect died. In his [Paschal's] times, because the son of another former prefect also called Peter did not wish to concede the prefecture to [yet another] Peter, there was a great conspiracy and sedition in the city of Rome. And [it is also said that] out of all the counts, who were around all the parties in the city of Rome, both parties were conspiring at the same time; that is, both the party of the Pope and the party of the Prefect. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source (p. 476, lin. 46)
Temporal Coverage 1116 - 1116
Associated use case(s)