Stelle Reliqui vero fugientes vix in Urbem...; (Annales (Romualdus II archiepiscopus Salernitanus) (1154 - 1181), (p. 436, lin. 23)) [2918]

Basic Information
ID 2918
Text Annales (Romualdus II archiepiscopus Salernitanus) (1154 - 1181) Romuald of Salerno
Quotation Reliqui vero fugientes vix in Urbem se recipere potuerunt. Quod factum Alexandrum papam et omnes cives Romanos plurimum perturbavit, et eis timorem vehementer incussit. Cancellarius autem nuncios ad imperatorem misit, mandans ut cito ad Urbem veniret, quia eam posset pro sua voluntate disponere.
Translation The survivors barely managed to make it back to the city as they fled. This greatly disturbed Pope Alexander [III] and all the Roman citizens, and struck dreadful terror into them. The chancellor sent messengers to the emperor, asking him to come to the city soon, so that he could arrange things according to his wishes. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source (p. 436, lin. 23)
Temporal Coverage 1167 - 1167
Associated use case(s)