Stelle Denique, cum haec publice protestar...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 7 (pp. 27-28)) [311]

Basic Information
ID 311
Text Vita Anskarii (865 - 876) Rimbert
Quotation Denique, cum haec publice protestarentur, essetque cognitum omnibus qui in domo conversabantur abbatis, coeperunt multi tantam eius admirari immutationem; quod scilicet, relicta patria et propinquis suis, fratrum quoque, cum quibus educatus fuerat, dulcissima affectione, alienas expetere vellet nationes et cum ignotis ac barbaris conversari. (...) Deductus itaque ad praesentiam augusti, cum ab ipso interrogaretur, utrum pro Dei nomine causa in gentibus Danorum euangelium praedicandi comes fieri vellet Herioldi, omnino se velle, constanter respondit. (...) Tunc ipse congratulans eius benivolentiae, respondit: "Ego interrogatus sum, si pro Dei nomine vellem in gentes ire paganas ad praedicandum euangelium Christi.
Translation Then, when these things were proclaimed publicly, and it became known to all those who came to the abbot's house, many began to wonder at the great change which had taken place in him; indeed to the extend that he was prepared to leave his homeland and those close to him, even the sweetest affection of his brothers with whom he had been raised, and wished to seek out foreign nations and deal with strangers and barbarians. (...) And so he was led into the presence of the emperor, and when he was asked by him whether he, in the name of God, wished to be the companion of Harald for the sake of preaching the gospel to the peoples of the Danes, he responded every time that he entirely desired this. (...) Then he himself, thanking him for his good will, responded: 'i was asked, if for the name of God I wish to go to the pagagn peoples to preach the gospel of Christ'. (Trans: Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source 7 (pp. 27-28)
Temporal Coverage 826 - 826
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects