Stelle Interim vero contigit, legatos Sueo...; (Vita Anskarii (865 - 876), 9 (pp. 30-31)) [312]

Basic Information
ID 312
Text Vita Anskarii (865 - 876) Rimbert
Quotation Interim vero contigit, legatos Sueonum ad memoratum principem venisse Hludowicum. Qui inter alia legationis suae mandata clementissimo caesari innotuerunt: esse multos in gente sua, qui christianae religionis cultum suscipere desiderarent, regis quoque sui animum ad hoc satis benivolum, ut ibi sacerdotes Dei esse permitteret; tantum eius munificentia mererentur, ut eis praedicatores destinaret idoneos. Quod religiosissimus audiens imperator, plurimum exhilaratus, denuo quaerere coepit, quos in illas partes dirigeret, qui probarent, utrum populus ille ad credendum paratus esset, sicuti missi illi intimaverant, et cultum christianae religionis illis tradere inciperent. (...) Et iterum vox sonuit, dicens: "Vade et annuntia gentibus verbum Dei".
Summary In the meanwhile, it happened that legates of the Swedes had come to the aforementioned ruler Louis [the Pious]. Among their other charges, they informed the most clement emperor that there were many amongst their people who desired to receive the Christian faith, and that their king was well-disposed enough towards this idea that he would permit priests of God to be there, if only they might be so worthy of his [Louis’] munificence that he would dispatch them some suitable preachers. When the most religious emperor had heard this, he was greatly delighted and again began to investigate whom he might send to those regions to test whether that people was ready to believe, as the legates had informed him, and to begin to transmit the cultivation of the Christian religion to them. (...) And again the voice sounded, saying: ‘Go and preach the word of God to the pagans’. (Trans: Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source 9 (pp. 30-31)
Temporal Coverage 829 - 829
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects