Stelle Salomon quippe domum plenam fuisse ...; (De fide catholica contra Iudaeos (601 - 636), Lib. 1, Cap. 9, Par. 4, Col. 466 (lin. 7)) [4019]

Basic Information
ID 4019
Text De fide catholica contra Iudaeos (601 - 636) Isidore of Seville
Quotation Salomon quippe domum plenam fuisse mulieribus alienigenis colentibus idola, et ipse ab eis rex idololatria seductus, atque dejectus, dum bonus fuisset in initio, malos exitus habuit.
Translation Of course it is true that the house of Solomon was full of foreign women who worshipped idols , and through them the king himself was seduced by idolatry, and cast down, although he was good at first, had a bad end.
Quotation source Lib. 1, Cap. 9, Par. 4, Col. 466 (lin. 7)
Associated use case(s)