Stelle Profugus proprie dicitur qui procul...; (Etymologiarum sive Originum libri XX (622 - 633), x.P.215) [4027]

Basic Information
ID 4027
Text Etymologiarum sive Originum libri XX (622 - 633) Isidore of Seville
Quotation Profugus proprie dicitur qui procul a sedibus suis uagatur, quasi porro fugatus. Peregrinus, longe a patria positus, sicut alienigena.
Translation Fugitive ( profugus ) properly means one who wanders far from his own land, as if the term were porro fugatus (“driven far”). Foreigner ( peregrinus ), one set far from his native country, just as alienigena (“born in another country”). (Trans. Barney, Lewis, Beach and Berghof, p. 226)
Quotation source x.P.215
Associated use case(s)