Stelle Exercitu uero conducto tam a Gallis...; (Gesta Swenomagni regis et filiorum eius et passio gloriossisimi Canuti regis et martyris (1111 - 1113), 12 (pp. 98-99)) [4871]

Basic Information
ID 4871
Text Gesta Swenomagni regis et filiorum eius et passio gloriossisimi Canuti regis et martyris (1111 - 1113) Ailnoth of Canterbury
Quotation Exercitu uero conducto tam a Gallis et a Brittonibus quam et a Cinomannis aggregato ita urbium edes replebantur, ut uix suis domestici focis assidere uiderentur. Anglis autem, quibus non minimi desiderii Danici exercitus aduentum esse didicerat, barbas radere, arma et exuuias ad instar Romanorum coaptare et ad deludendos aduentantium uisus per omnia se Francigenis, quos et Romanos dici pretulimus, assimilare preceperat. Quod perpauci facere.
Translation He [William] called up and army from Gaul, Brittany and Maine which so filled the houses of the cities that scarcely any of the natives were to be seen at their own hearths. The English meanwhile, as he had learnt, had no small desire for the arrival of the Danish army, and so he ordered them to shave their beards and adopt weapons and armour on the Roman model, and, in order to delude the eyes of the invaders, to make themselves look in all respects like the French (whom as we have said before, are also called Romans). Which very few did. (Translation: Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source 12 (pp. 98-99)
Temporal Coverage 1085 - 1087
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects