Stelle Nec Tylensium industria silentio ob...; (Gesta Danorum (1185 - 1216), Prologue 1.4 (I, p. 6)) [4903]

Basic Information
ID 4903
Text Gesta Danorum (1185 - 1216) Saxo Grammaticus
Quotation Nec Tylensium industria silentio oblitteranda. Qui cum ob natiuam soli sterilitatem luxurie nutrimentis carentes officia continue sobrietatis exerceant omniaque uite momenta ad excolendam alienorum operum notitiam conferre soleant, inopiam ingenio pensunt. Cunctarum quippe nationum res gestas cognosse memorieque mandare uoluptatis loco reputant, non minoris glorie iudicantes alienas uirtutes disserere quam proprias exhibere. Quorum thesaurus historicarum rerum pignoribus refertos curiosius consulens haut paruam presentis operis partem ex eorum relationis imitatione contexui. Nec arbitros habere contempsi, quos tanta uetustatis peritia callere cognoui.
Translation The diligence of the men of Iceland must not be shrouded in silence; since the barrenness of their native soil offers no support for self-indulgence, they practise a steady routine of temperance and devote all their time to improving our knowledge of others' deeds, compensating for poverty by their intelligence. They regard it a real pleasure to discover and commemorate the achievements of every nation; in their judgement it is just as elevating to discourse on the prowess of others as to display their own. Thus I have scrutinized their packed store of historical treasures and composed a considerable part of this present work by copying their narratives, not scorning, where I recognized such skill in ancient lore, to take these men as witnesses. (Translation: Fisher, I, p. 7)
Quotation source Prologue 1.4 (I, p. 6)
Temporal Coverage 1185 - 1216
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects