Stelle Post cuius interitum Herulorum Bata...; (Rerum gestarum libri qui supersunt (360 - 395), liber : 27, cap. : 1, par. : 6, pag. : 32, linea : 13) [4910]

Basic Information
ID 4910
Text Rerum gestarum libri qui supersunt (360 - 395) Ammianus Marcellinus
Quotation Post cuius interitum Herulorum Batauorum que uexillum direptum, quod insultando tripudiantes barbari crebro sublatum altius ostendebant, post certamina receptum est magna.
Summary The vexillum of the units of the Herules and Batavi falls in the hands of the enemies but is later recovered after a fierce combat.
Quotation source liber : 27, cap. : 1, par. : 6, pag. : 32, linea : 13
Temporal Coverage 365 - 365
Associated use case(s)