Stelle Unde cum consecuti Bataui uenissent...; (Rerum gestarum libri qui supersunt (360 - 395), liber : 27, cap. : 8, par. : 7, pag. : 47, linea : 22) [4911]

Basic Information
ID 4911
Text Rerum gestarum libri qui supersunt (360 - 395) Ammianus Marcellinus
Quotation Unde cum consecuti Bataui uenissent et Heruli Iouii que et Victores, fidentes uiribus numeri, egressus tendens que ad Lundinium, uetus oppidum, quod Augustam posteritas appellauit, diuisis plurifariam globis adortus est uagantes hostium uastatorias manus graues onere sarcinarum et propere fusis, qui uinctos homines agebant et pecora, praedam excussit, quam tributarii perdidere miserrimi.
Summary In 368, the Herules and the Batavi, together with the units of the Iovii and the Victores, joined the forces of Flavius Theodosius, father of the future emperor Theodosius I, in his pursuit of the Picts, Scots and Attaccotti, who once again had raided the island. The campaign was a success and Theodosius entered London triumphant.
Quotation source liber : 27, cap. : 8, par. : 7, pag. : 47, linea : 22
Temporal Coverage 368 - 368
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects