Stelle Innumerabiles et ferocissimae natio...; (Epistulae (Hieronymus) (374 - 420), 123, vol. : 56, par. : 15, pag. : 91, linea : 22) [4912]

Basic Information
ID 4912
Text Epistulae (Hieronymus) (374 - 420) Jerome
Quotation Innumerabiles et ferocissimae nationes uniuersas gallias occuparunt. Quicquid inter alpes et pyrenaeum est, quod oceano rheno que concluditur, quadus, uandalus, sarmata, halani, gypedes, heruli, saxones, burgundiones, alamanni et - o lugenda res publica! - hostes pannonii uastauerunt.
Summary In a letter to the widow Ageruchia, Jerome includes the Heruli in a famous list of barbaric groups that the 31st of December 406 (or 405) crossed the frozen Rhine near Mainz and pillaged the northern part of Gaul.
Quotation source 123, vol. : 56, par. : 15, pag. : 91, linea : 22
Temporal Coverage 405 - 406
Associated use case(s)