Stelle His temporibus mortuo Tassilone duc...; (Historia Langobardorum (790 - 799), Lib. IV, Cap. 39, p. 133) [4990]

Basic Information
ID 4990
Text Historia Langobardorum (790 - 799) Paul the Deacon
Quotation His temporibus mortuo Tassilone duce Baioariorum, filius eius Garibaldus in Agunto a Sclavis devictus est, et Baioariorum termini depraedantur. Resumptis tamen Baioarii viribus et praedas ab hostibus excutiunt et hostes de suis finibus pepulerunt.
Translation In these times, after the death of Tassilo, duke of the Bavarians, his son Garibald was defeated by the Slavs at Aguntum (near Lienz), and the borderzones of the Bavarians were plundered. The Bavarians, however, having recovered their strength, took away the booty from their foes and drove their enemies from their territories.
Summary After the death of duke Tassilo of Bavaria, his Son Garibald was defeated by Slavs near Lienz, however, after a time the Bawarians could reclaim the booty and expel the Slavs out of their realm.
Quotation source Lib. IV, Cap. 39, p. 133
Temporal Coverage 605 - 610
Associated use case(s)