Stelle Igitur notum sit omnium fidelium no...; (Diploma Karoli I a. 811 (811 - 811), DD KArol. I., Nr. 212, p. 283/283) [5089]

Basic Information
ID 5089
Text Diploma Karoli I a. 811 (811 - 811) Anonymous - Diplomas
Quotation Igitur notum sit omnium fidelium nostrorum magnitudini presentium scilicet et futurorum, quoniam nos in elemosina nostra ad deprecationem Geroldi comitis fedelis nostri cedimus atque confirmamus ad monasterium sancti Mauricii, quod est situm in ducatu Baioariorum in loco nuncupante Altaha, ubi Urolfus rector preesse videtur, locum quendam in Avaria, ubi Bielaha fluvius Danubium ingreditur: est auten aestimatio illius loci quasi quadraginta mansorum, qui locus sub omni integritate partibus memorati monasterii per hanc nostra auctoritatis largitionem vel confirmationem perpetuis temporibus proficiat in augmentis.
Translation [...] a certain place in the region Avaria, where the river Pielach flows into the river Danube [...]
Summary Charlemagne gives the monastery of Altaich (with the abbot Urolfus) a place at the esturary of the Pielach into the Danube. The donation took place in Aachen at the 26th of November in 811. Notable is the description of the place as "in Avaria" and the size of nearly 40 mansi (farmsteads), also the mention of the comes Gerold.
Quotation source DD KArol. I., Nr. 212, p. 283/283
Temporal Coverage 811 - 811
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects
Comment The charter was signed in Aachen at the 26th of November, 811.