Stelle Igitur, superatis hostibus et rebus...; (Vita II Vedasti episcopi Atrebatensis (795 - 805), p. 417) [52]

Basic Information
ID 52
Text Vita II Vedasti episcopi Atrebatensis (795 - 805) Alcuin of York
Quotation Igitur, superatis hostibus et rebus in pace conpositis et Alamannis suae subiectis dicioni, rex ovans cum laude triumphi patriam rediit. (...) Hii sunt duo olivae, candelabra lucentia, a quibus rex praefatus in via Dei eruditus et a diaboli catenis erutus, miserante Deo, portam perpetuae lucis ingressus, cum fortissima gente Francorum credidit Christo, et facta est gens sancta, populus adquisitionis, ut adnuntientur in eo virtutes illius, qui eos de tenebris vocavit in admirabile lumen suum.
Translation Therefore, when the enemies had been overcome and affairs had been set at peace and the the Alamanni had been subjected to his power, the king, rejoicing in the praise of triumph, returned home. (...) These are the two olive-trees, burning candelabra, by which the aforementioned king, educated in the way of God and broken forth from the chains of the devil, with God's pity, having gone into the gate of the eternal light, with the most strong people of the Franks he believed in Christ, and it was made into a holy people (gens sancta), a people of acquisition, that its virtues might be announced in him, who called them from the shadows into his wonderous light. (LG)
Quotation source p. 417
Temporal Coverage 453 - 540
Associated use case(s)
Comment After the conversion the Francs become a "gens sancta", a "populus adquisitionis", as in I Pt 2, 9.