Stelle Si quis fedeiussorem aut devitorem ...; (Liutprand Leges Anni XVII, MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), pp. 151-52) [5380]

Basic Information
ID 5380
Text Liutprand Leges Anni XVII (729 - 729) Liutprand
Quotation Si quis fedeiussorem aut devitorem suum pigneraverit et ipsum pignum recollegere neglexerit et eum per duodicem dies dimiserit tunc ille qui pignum ipsum aput se habit si servus aut ancilla est costodiat eum ut ei fuga non faciat et faciat sibi eum operas facere sicut suum proprium servum aut ancillam… Et si per trigenta dies pignera ipsa debita aut fideiussor recollegere neglexerent si in Neustria aut in Austria fuerent, amittat ipsa pignere, et non habeant facundiam requirendum Si vero in Tusciae partibus fuerit habeat spatium in dies sexaginta…
Translation If any man receives a pledge from a debtor or his surety, and he neglects to recollect that pledge, and if he gives him notice for twelve days, then that one who holds the pledge if it is an enslaved man or woman shall watch him or her that he or she may not flee, and he or she shall work for him as if his own ensalved man or woman… If the debtor or his surety neglects to recollect these pledges for thirty days, if he is in Neustria or Austria, he shall lose his pledges and have no right to seek them back. If he is in Tuscany, he shall have a period of sixty day… (Emended from K. Fischer-Drew, trans., The Lombard Laws (1973), p. 191)
Summary Liutprand, No. 108 establishes that if a person or their fedeiussore [surety] neglects to reclaim their pignus [pledge], then the one who holds the pledge should give twelve days notice, and during that time if the pledge comprised enslaved men or women, then he must ensure they do not flee, and the enslaved people should work for him during that time.
Quotation source MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), pp. 151-52
Temporal Coverage 729 - 729
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects
Comment The Liutprand Leges Anno XVII form part of the Leges Liutprandi [Text, ID:1098] and in turn are part of the collected Edictus Langobardorum [Text, ID:984].