Stelle Οὖννοι γὰϱ ϰατ’ ἐϰεῖνο ϰαιϱοῦ, οὓς ...; (Chronographia (Theophanes) (810 - 814), AM 6064 (571/72) (p. 245.14-16)) [5472]

Basic Information
ID 5472
Text Chronographia (Theophanes) (810 - 814) Theophanes the Confessor
Quotation Οὖννοι γὰϱ ϰατ’ ἐϰεῖνο ϰαιϱοῦ, οὓς Τούϱϰους λέγειν εἰώϑαμεν, πϱεσβεύουσι πϱὸς Ἰουστῖνον διὰ τὴς τῶν Ἀλανῶν χώϱας ἀποστείλαντες.
Translation AM 6064 (571/72) (p. 362) For at that time the Huns, whom we are accustomed to call Turks, sent an embassy to Justin via the territory of the Alans.
Summary The Turks, who are identified with the Huns in this passage, send an embassy to Justin II, passing through the territory of the Alans.
Quotation source AM 6064 (571/72) (p. 245.14-16)
Temporal Coverage 571 - 572
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects